Green Beauty Talk was founded by Petra Nakashian (previously Kravos), a dedicated blogger who has been actively writing about natural health and beauty since 2014. Petra’s passion for what she puts in and on her body was ignited after the loss of both her parents to cancer. This profound experience led her to meticulously research the ingredients in beauty products, becoming a trusted expert in the field.
Initially, this beauty blog started as a part of Petra’s first venture, Be Healthy Now, where she focused on various aspects of natural health and well-being. However, Petra soon realized that green beauty is a wide-ranging topic deserving its own dedicated space. Thus, Green Beauty Talk was born as a specialized platform for all things related to natural beauty.
Over the years, Petra has gained a decade of hands-on experience with natural beauty products. Her approach is evidence-based, and she shares her findings transparently to help her readers make informed choices. Whether it’s a new skincare product on the market or an in-depth analysis of beauty ingredients, Petra’s reviews are comprehensive and insightful.
While Petra leans towards 100% natural products, she understands that this is not always feasible. She objectively shares her findings, acknowledging that some products may contain a few synthetic ingredients but are still overall beneficial. Her balanced perspective has made her a reliable authority, not just for those who seek completely natural options but also for those who are navigating the complex world of beauty products.
Petra describes herself as a green beauty enthusiast and a beauty researcher with an exceptional eye for detail. Her work is a valuable resource for anyone looking to transition to a more natural beauty regimen or simply seeking trustworthy advice in a field crowded with misinformation.
Please keep in mind that the reviews found on this blog are based on personal experience. If you decide to try the product yourself, your experience may differ. Everybody is different and reacts differently to different products.
To contact Petra, email her on greenbeautytalk (at) gmail (dot) com